Commercials have always been the top of the advertising pyramid. Half the fun of watching the Super Bowl is commercial breaks. It’s the one time in our TV watching lives we don’t want to fast forward to get back to our show. Of course those commercials cost the advertiser millions and millions of dollars so that’s not really an option for most of us, is it? Welcome to 2016, the year of the video ad. Video ads are nothing new but 2015 was such a big year for Vines and the idea of amateur video that it is impacting legitimate business advertising.
We all know YouTube but did you know that Facebook now has videos? You can even create a profile video instead of profile picture! Google is getting into the game, too. What does this mean to you, a small business owner? It means you can create short, informative videos for your client base and they’ll be comfortable with them AND more interested in receiving them.
Video is becoming mainstream and easy to do on our own. Smart phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, actual cameras (gasp!), and video cameras are all geared towards easy sharing on the internet. You can improve your relationship with your client base with regular, short videos reaching out to them on a personal level. Let Marlin help you make this leap in your web presence. We believe in this so much we use it on our website also!