The smart phone/mobile revolution leaves me feeling like a broken record sometimes but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s happening! According to Google mobile traffic overtook desktop traffic in TEN countries. We’ve been pushing for our clients to ensure their websites are mobile friendly for a long time and now it’s crunch time.
Desktop traffic is dropping and mobile-focused online marketing is taking the lead. Last year Google ran an algorithm update that got the catchphrase “Mobilegeddon”, essentially pushing non-mobile friendly websites to the bottom of their search results IF they showed up at all. While the end of the world apocalypse warnings didn’t quite come to fruition for non-mobile friendly sites, it doesn’t change the fact that they have fallen behind the times and are quickly losing ground in the advertising arena.
Obviously we want your website to dominate the search engines for anyone in the market for your product. That’s where Marlin comes in. This is our business. We work to make your website the absolute best it can be and the most accessible it can be to any person in the market for your product. Let’s get started!