How to Be an Amazing Podcast Guest

podcast microphone in front of a laptop

In today’s day and age, EVERYONE is on the Podcast kick. If you’re not subscribed to at least one podcast, chances are that you probably host one of your own or that you are at least considering the possibility. As a business owner, it’s not a bad idea because nearly 75% of podcast listeners say they want to learn new things, therefore a company podcast could greatly benefit your bottom line. BUT…. We know you’re busy and understand that your hectic schedule is probably the number one factor keeping you on the fence. If only there was a way to get your feet wet…  

Here’s the deal: if you are, in fact, toying with the idea of launching yourself into mainstream media (okay, that’s a bit of a stretch), guest-starring on someone else’s established podcast can be a great way to “test” yourself! As a guest, you won’t need to endure the pressure of script writing or recording your material. You can sit back, relax and allow the host to take charge. By simply guest-starring, you are offering valuable content for eager-to-learn listeners while benefiting your business for FREE! 

As of this year, 62% of consumers enjoy listening to podcasts. This is a 5% increase from 2021. Consumers enjoy the convenience of listening to podcasts as a means of quickly acquiring information while commuting to work, exercising and performing various tasks requiring them to stay in one spot for an extended period of time. What a great opportunity to showcase your brand, educate consumers regarding your products and services and build consumer trust!

I know you’re getting excited about this, but slow down just a bit. As with anything else in life, preparedness is key – especially when representing your brand. You can’t just show up and start self promoting. Here’s what you need to know:

You need to find your niche. 

  • Select your subject.
  • List your strengths/expertise.
  • Consider what your consumers would appreciate hearing about from you.
  • Make yourself enjoyable to listen to (don’t be cocky, boring or rude).
  • Steer clear of topics revolving around heavy competition.
  • Think about how you could expand on your chosen topic in the future.

Start listening to podcasts in your chosen niche, getting a feel for the host’s process, and close in on your favorites. This will give you a better understanding of which podcasts you’re interested in being a guest on and whether you are looking for a formal or relaxed podcast. This will also help you determine if the host will be doing most of the talking or if you will be expected to fill the air time. In addition, you can also glean tidbits from podcast episodes you’ve already listened to in order to bring up natural points in the conversation. The host will appreciate this and you will be able to create a natural, conversational flow. 

Do your homework and prep your answers ahead of time. The podcast host might send you some questions prior to recording an episode. In fact, many podcasters like to be prepared and are accustomed to sending their guests a list of questions to run through ahead of recording. They might not want to deviate too far from these subjects due to time constraints, so it’s important to prepare your answers. If they want to freestyle their questions a little more and don’t send you a list, prepare some of the most commonly asked questions about your business. Don’t script it, though. Keep things natural.

Build in emergency silence breakers. Pregnant pauses and conversational lulls are inevitable, especially in casual podcasts. While small, limited pauses are fine, listeners find long, silent gaps awkward and unengaging. Hosts can suffer “off” days and forgetfulness, but having a couple of prepared silence breakers on standby can easily save the day. Make sure you have one or two ready to go! You could even refer back to something relevant from a previous episode which ties in with what you were talking about.

Overpromotion is a turnoff. One mistake that some podcast guests make is that they take every opportunity to promote their business. The problem is that this can sound like a never-ending, dreadfully boring infomercial. Instead, promote your business by being yourself, and talk about why you do what you do. The audience wants to hear about the human being behind the business and they want to feel included in the story. Avoid being a talking billboard. Try to talk TO your audience and not AT them.

Be yourself! You don’t want to come across as overly formal, even on a more professional scale. You can still appear reputable without being a robot. Don’t be afraid to show your personality and maybe incorporate some natural humor. More informal, conversational podcasts are a great way to share a joke or two. If you’re feeling nervous, you can even allude to that with humor. It makes you human and authentic and listeners (and especially consumers) crave authenticity.

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Podcasting isn’t for everyone, but guest starring on one might just reveal that you’re a natural. Feel free to reach out to us to pursue being a guest on our own podcast, “The Small Business Leadership Podcast”. Furthermore, podcasts have the power to:

  • Generate an increase in business website traffic.
  • Improve conversion rates.
  • Motivate consumers to try your products/services.
  • Expand your network with other like-minded professionals.
  • Build brand awareness.
  • Establish a highly interactive platform with your consumers.

Don’t worry about acquiring top-of-the-line broadcasting equipment. Start simple. Get a decent microphone and some headphones. Check out some user-friendly editing software and get crackin’! Regardless of the scale of your business, your podcast could become one of the most compelling ways to engage consumers, build loyalty and increase revenue.