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When it comes to choosing the best CRM for your business, this process can become a very confusing journey for most businesses owners. The right CRM not only supports sales but also assists in driving efficiency and marketing automation. Many small business owners struggle by either not taking enough time to find and implement a CRM + Sales & Marketing automation software into their business or they just work without one with important client information spread across multiple systems.

Like many small businesses, we have been on the lookout for a solution to help serve our clients better, improve communication, and integrate various systems while being relatively simple to work with. Our goal is to make work easier, not harder. We also look to balance these needs with the software being worth the investment, yet still affordable. Just like many small business owners, we have tested, demoed, and in some cases, implemented multiple CRM platforms including Salesforce, Zoho, Insightly, SharpSpring, Infusionsoft, Nimble, SugarCRM, vTiger and more.

However, none of these platforms met our business requirements.  We found AgileCRM over a year ago and we were excited to have found an all-in-one CRM solution that could be custom tailored to meet our business needs. AgileCRM is one of the most viable solutions available on the market right now. When we talk about the most comprehensive web-based CRM solution that aids business automation and optimization, AgileCRM is the ideal platform for all small business owners, entrepreneurs, and companies that need cross-platform integration, flexibility and is budget-friendly.

After thorough evaluation and testing, we committed to moving forward. The onboarding process is simple. It took us about a week to get up and running. One of the great features that boost productivity is the integration with G-Suite. This allows our team to work with AgileCRM without having to constantly switch screens.

As a fellow business owner, you are probably thinking, well that’s great, but you guys are a technology and web company— of course it is easy for you, but that is not what we do. Well, we loved AgileCRM so much we went a step further and went through a rigorous training process to become a Certified Partner.  The good news is that this is where we can help you— we have a team of professionals and experts who have spent hours testing and evaluating almost all types of web-based technology software. Our primary goal is to come up with an integrated solution that saves time while performing sales, marketing, and other business tasks resulting in the success of your business. AgileCRM achieves all of these goals quickly and efficiently. It is the ideal platform for all small businesses.

Why should you choose AgileCRM?

There are several reasons why you should choose AgileCRM over other similar platforms for your business needs:

  • It is entirely free to get started. You can sign up 10 users initially and test the platform.
  • It is an all-in-one CRM solution that can be tailored to meet business’ sales, marketing, and help desk needs.
  • It is a truly affordable CRM, paid versions start for as little as:
    • $15 per user per month (monthly)
    • $10 per user per month (yearly)

This is an affordable pricing structure for most small businesses.

  • Whether you plan to choose the free or paid version, you are getting more than you are paying for. This software offers a great value for money!
  • AgileCRM has an easy to use interface.
  • Integration with native and non-native third-party applications is easier than ever.

Here are some more features available in AgileCRM:

  • Sales: With this CRM, you have an in-depth contact view, an online calendar to schedule appointments easily, chronological timeline of all actions, tracks deals and sale opportunities, document uploading, lead scoring, advanced reporting, and more.
  • Marketing automation: Sign up forms, marketing automation, advanced drag and drop designer, social media views, email and SMS mobile marketing, web push notifications, social media views, and more.
  • Customer service: Helpdesk functionality available where your clients can create support tickets to request service or report issues. You can label tickets, reports, live chat, and more.

What can an AgileCRM Certified Partner do for you?

As a business owner, one of your goals should be to leverage technology instead of wasting timing learning how to implement it. We can help save your valuable time and money. When you are running a business, one thing you should not compromise on is your time as it is crucial to your business.

We can help with

  • Import contacts from your existing CRM system (Excel or CSV format)
  • Contact tagging to increase searchability within the platform
  • Contact list creation leveraging tags
  • Sync CRM contacts with Gmail or Office 365 contacts
  • Calendar synchronization
  • Create effective sales and marketing automation campaigns
  • Create an email signature
  • Customize your online appointments using appointment scheduling tool
  • And much more