Did you know LinkedIn boasts a whopping 313 million users worldwide? Not only are there hundreds of millions of potential customers on the site, you can create an ad on your own and have it ready to roll to targeted members of the site in minutes. The list of filters is quite impressive and allows you to focus your efforts very specifically. For example: location, company name, industry, size, job title, job function, seniority, school name, field of study, degree, skills, LinkedIn group membership, gender, and age. Think about how specific your ad focus can be if you’re able to utilize such filters. You’re practically personalizing an ad before you ever meet your potential new client.
You can also choose where your ad will appear on the website. With LinkedIn’s set up you have several locations from which to choose when focusing on potential clientele. Think about all these locations: profile page, where other users view profiles; home page, that users see when they log in to their account; inbox, where a user gets invites and checks their messages; search results, the page you’re directed to when you look for a user; and groups a member may belong to. Studies have shown that users who are reached through LinkedIn ads convert at a higher rate than other social networks so you’re literally getting more bang for your buck!
There are a couple things to keep in mind when you’re prepping your LinkedIn ad campaign. LinkedIn is not the least expensive social media platform so you’ll want to start small and test before you dive in head first. Additionally, don’t waste words. You’re limited in space on LinkedIn to a 25-character headline, 75 characters in the body, and a 50×50 image for most ads. And fun fact, time your ad to work hours. Most activity on LinkedIn takes place during the middle of the week.
One of the exciting things about utilizing different social media platforms is the opportunity to break into new mediums all the time. It can offer constant fresh outlets for your business. AND constant fresh clientele! Marlin is standing by ready to help you broaden your advertising footprint.
Source: MarlinCS Blog